20 Heartbreaking Moments When People Realized Their Friends Were Fake
Not every friend can become your BFF. It’s rare to find someone who wants to wear matching bracelets, stay up all night sharing secrets, and give you a key to their apartment for whenever you need it. And that’s okay! We also need low-stakes relationships, and that doesn’t make them any less meaningful.
However, no one should tolerate a toxic friendship. Recently, Threads users have been sharing the moments they realized a former “friend” wasn’t truly supportive. We’ve compiled their most heartbreaking stories below. Keep reading to also find conversations with the woman who started this thread and Amanda Diaz, creator of Friendship With Intention. Don’t forget to upvote the stories that resonate with you!

They kept making plans without me and would purposely leave me out of things, acting as if I wasn’t even part of their circle.

They made me out to be the “problem” just a week after I had experienced a traumatic miscarriage.

When the subtle, subliminal remarks began slipping into conversations, carrying just enough truth from my past to sting. When the energy shifted from support to silent competition, and jealousy started seeping through in backhanded compliments. When the distance between us wasn’t just physical but emotional, as if she couldn’t bear to see me evolve beyond the version of myself she was once comfortable with. That’s when I knew.

When I was crying in her car, and she didn’t even bother to ask what was wrong.

Here’s my short dissertation: My best friend left my wedding early without even saying goodbye. I haven’t seen her face to face since that day. It’s been almost 11 years now. 🥴

When I got engaged, instead of congratulating me, she asked, “How? You’re so mean, how did someone even propose to you?” I’ve known her since I was 14.

When she was my maid of honor, but I’m not even one of her bridesmaids.

When she took sides with my abusive ex.

When my car broke down outside her work, and she chose to go to the bar instead of giving me a ride home.

I had a friend who moved to another state, and I ended up keeping two of her kids for 6 weeks so they could finish their school year. She’d come into town on weekends to clean their rooms, restock their snacks, and tidy up their bathroom. One weekend, she went to a concert with another friend without telling me or asking if I wanted to go, leaving the boys at home with me. Keep in mind, they were living with me for free, and I never got a few hundred bucks or anything from her.
When I asked why I wasn’t invited, her excuse was that she didn’t know if I liked the artist. 😒 I forgave her because grace… but then, she’s been back in the city multiple times, and I only found out through Facebook. She always told me people were “sty” and that I didn’t need a lot of friends, which, looking back, was her way of saying she was the one being “sty” and wasn’t really my friend. But, I guess if I was going to help her, that was good enough for her. 😒 She even called me “Sister.” Go figure. Lol.

When I went on an all-inclusive vacation, and she said to me, “You don’t deserve that.”

When she asked me to arrange her gender reveal, I was so excited and said, “YES GIRL!” I was genuinely happy for her. She had told me about the pregnancy before her partner, which wasn’t my business, but I was still thrilled for her. Then, I saw an Instagram post announcing they were expecting a girl, so I texted her: “OMG CONGRATULATIONS!! Do you still want the gender reveal party for your family, considering they’re not on IG?”
I just replied with, “Ok” 🤐
Next thing I know, I was removed and blocked everywhere by both her and her partner. Mind you, this was my best friend and the godmother to my child 🙃. I had already ordered a “he/she” cake, bought games for the gender reveal, and invested money in the party. I was just trying to help. Yeah.

When I got assaulted by her boyfriend’s best friend, and she tried to justify his actions.

When she said, “We obviously see our relationship differently.” She called my parents and grandparents family, never needed permission to join us for meals or sleepovers, and we’d been “sisters” since we were babies. Then, 30+ years later, I’m the one misunderstanding everything? I’ll never forgive that level of hurt.

When I made a custom Sonic the Hedgehog cake for her son’s birthday, and she deliberately gave me the wrong address. Then, when I finally got to the right place, I found out she had bought a cake from the store. I had sent her pictures of the progress all morning, and she didn’t say a word.

When I was asleep in the car after drinking, with my panties showing, and they posted it on their public story, not even in their close friends list.

When she handed me her phone to read through texts with her boyfriend, and I scrolled up too far and saw, “No, I literally hate Mackenzie. She’s the worst friend ever.” I cut it off right then and didn’t speak another word to her.

In high school, when I was being bullied so badly I wanted to 💀, she stayed friends with the bullies “because they weren’t mean to her.” I stayed friends with her because I loved her. But then, 10 years later, as I finally started to find my confidence, she told me I needed to “get off social media” and stop posting about books because people wouldn’t take me seriously as a mom. 🤯 I finally ended the friendship.

When I called her ten times over the course of six hours, and she never picked up or called me back. Then, she didn’t come to my child’s funeral, which was the reason for the ten calls.

When I bought my first house, they constantly made fun of me for not having a lot of furniture… constantly. Meanwhile, I was the one who had just bought my first house.