Employee’s Response Leaves Racist Coworker Feeling Humiliated and Everyone Else Uncomfortable

When you’re hired by a company, your role goes beyond just showing up for work and attending meetings. You’re also expected to help shape the culture of the workplace, which can be incredibly challenging when you’re surrounded by toxic individuals!

Recently, Reddit user Relevant_Ad6975 shared her experience on r/TraumatizeThemBack, recounting an uncomfortable encounter with a particularly rude coworker.

This colleague repeatedly made racist “jokes” at her expense. But when she finally reached her breaking point and responded in kind, he quickly turned around and complained to management.

This woman got sick and tired of her colleague’s racist remarks

Image credits: freepik (not the actual image)

Image credits: freepik (not the actual image)

Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual image)

Image credits: Relevant_Ad6975

As her story went viral, the woman provided more information on the conflict

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