25 Instagram vs. Reality Photos That Prove Social Media Isn’t Always What It Seems

For various reasons, many people feel the need to edit their photos before posting them online. Sometimes, they go overboard with the editing tools, making the final image look even worse than the original.

If you’ve ever come across editing fails, you know they can range from creepy to downright hilarious. Now, it’s your turn to decide! We’ve gathered a collection of over-edited photos for you to judge. Scroll down, vote for the most outrageous ones, and share your thoughts in the comments—photo editing: love it or hate it?

Plus, don’t miss Bored Panda’s interview with Dr. Cortney S. Warren, an adjunct professor of psychiatry and body image expert. She shares insights on handling negative thoughts and comments about our appearance.

#1 Downloaded Xiaohongshu and Discovered Some Wild Edits!


#2 Everyone Praised Her Physique But No One Noticed She’s 12 Feet Tall


#3 After Years of Deception, the Truth is Finally Revealed


Sadly, many people struggle to feel comfortable in their own skin. Research suggests that 20% to 40% of women and 10% to 30% of men are dissatisfied with their bodies.

Certain moments can be especially challenging for those who feel insecure about their appearance. According to an Ipsos poll, body dissatisfaction is most common when looking in the mirror, wearing a bathing suit at the beach, or shopping for clothes.

The survey also revealed that over a quarter of participants felt unhappy when trying on old clothes they hadn’t worn in a while. Additionally, 14% admitted to feeling bad when comparing themselves to social media images, 13% when seeing others at the gym or in workout classes, and 11% when watching actors on TV or in movies.

#4 Even After Surgery, Why Do People Still Use Extreme Edits?


#5 How Much Corset Training Is Too Much? Apparently, Yes.


According to the Ipsos poll, Americans view an athletic physique as the “perfect” body type for both men and women. However, the so-called “dad bod” comes in second for men, proving that not everyone prioritizes six-pack abs.

For women, the second-most preferred body type after athletic is curvy.

Unsurprisingly, the pressure to achieve these idealized body standards—despite the fact that perfection doesn’t truly exist—leads many people to edit their photos.

#6 This is Absolutely Hilarious


#7 Pretty Sure He Edits His Pics Because This Shape Is… Unbelievable


#8 Looks Like You Forgot Someone…


Some people feel completely comfortable and even happy with their appearance. However, sometimes a single comment can make them self-conscious about certain features.

When it comes to overcoming negative remarks and embracing self-acceptance, Dr. Cortney S. Warren, an adjunct professor of psychiatry and body image expert, explains that people can develop skills to combat body dissatisfaction and handle unwanted comments about their looks.

One effective approach is setting boundaries when faced with negative remarks. Warren suggests walking away, clearly stating that hearing such comments is not healthy, or expressing that they are hurtful.

#9 Looks Like She Went a Bit Overboard with the Filter 😅🫣


#10 Not Instagram, But Still…


#11 This… It’s Just Terrible


“Counter negative self-talk with empowering and positive affirmations. Focus on what you appreciate about your body and find ways to celebrate your physical self,” Warren advised, offering guidance on body acceptance and handling unwanted comments.

She also emphasized the importance of recognizing that physical appearance does not determine a person’s worth. “Boost your self-esteem by valuing the many qualities that make you unique—your personality, relationships, work ethic, kindness, creativity, and more.”

#12 I Finally Spotted One in the Wild


#13 Where Did the Organs Go?


#14 The Ultimate Photoshop Airbrush Boss


The expert also highlighted the importance of self-compassion. “Stop any judgmental or self-critical thoughts. Instead, adopt an attitude of self-love and acceptance,” Warren advised.

She also stressed the need for media literacy. “Understand how appearance-related messages in the media are designed to sell products. Become a critical consumer of these messages.”

Unattainable beauty standards, often promoted and praised on social media, play a major role in shaping how we see ourselves. That’s why it’s essential to remember that many of the images we see online or on TV are edited, and the so-called “perfect” person on the screen may not exist in reality.

#15 Ms. Paintbrush Hair Lady Strikes Again!


#16 I Love It When I Catch One in the Wild


#17 Something Feels Off Here


#18 What in the World…?


#19 Almost 61K Likes for a Diet and Fitness Plan That Shrinks Your Torso to Head Size


#20 Pretty Sure Those Are Butt Pads


#21 And Girls Will Grow Up Believing They Aren’t Good Enough… Shaking My Head


#22 I’m Already Banning My Future Kids from Social Media—And I Don’t Even Have Any Yet


#23 She Swears She Doesn’t Edit Her Pics


#24 Kind of Looks Like a Chicken


#25 Shocked Is Putting It Mildly


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