20 Stories About People Meeting Rude Celebrities

By now, it’s no secret that actors and singers put on a mask in front of the camera, playing to their audience. But behind closed doors, their true personalities emerge—and they’re not always as impressive.

While some celebrities have built a reputation for kindness (looking at you, Keanu Reeves), others have alienated fans with their callous disregard for those around them.

Today, we dive into a viral thread where users shared their firsthand experiences after one person asked: “Who is the rudest celeb you’ve met? What happened?”


Image source: rollinronin15TheEllenShow

Diddy… I saw him at a Walmart in Van Nuys a few years ago and asked for a photo. He gave me a disgusted look and said, “Don’t you have anything better to do, loser?”

I was shocked but still complimented his work, telling him “Come With Me” was one of my favorite songs ever. He rolled his eyes and said, “I don’t need your validation.”

Then, while I was at the checkout, he came up behind me, shoved all my groceries onto the floor, laughed, and whispered, “Pathetic.”

Horrible experience.


Image source: than0203Universal Pictures

Bill Murray. I met him in the mid-’90s when he was part-owner of the St. Paul Saints. He was standing in the concourse signing autographs when a kid—probably around six or seven—ran up to him, absolutely gushing about how much he loved him in Ghostbusters.

The kid was a little heavyset, and Murray mercilessly made fun of his weight. The poor kid ran away crying.

I was a chubby tween girl at the time, so that moment has stuck with me ever since.


Image source: myth_independenceCNN

Most celebs I’ve met have been on good behavior, which always impresses me. I can’t imagine how exhausting it must be to interact with hundreds of people every week who all feel like they own a piece of you.

So instead, I’ll share a vicarious encounter.

My sister had a friend who was absolutely stunning—think 1980s music video model level of gorgeous. But she was just a 19-year-old waitress like my sister.

One day, she got on an elevator at a hotel, and who should be inside but… David Lee Roth. Yep, Diamond Dave himself, and in 1988, there were few hotter frontmen in the world.

She was starstruck but too shy to say anything. Not a problem—Diamond Dave took the lead.

Before the elevator doors even closed, he propositioned her for sex in his hotel room.

She said no.


Image source: carrieacinglifeThe Graham Norton Show

Jamie Foxx. I was in Vegas at a store inside the MGM, buying something, when he walked up, dumped a bunch of candy on the counter, and told me I should buy it for him.

I just laughed and said, “Yeah, right. No.”


Image source: grand___cruThe Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Head and shoulders above the rest: Michael Stipe of R.E.M.

Anyone who’s ever worked in a restaurant and crossed his path would probably agree.

He used to show up long after closing time, yelling and demanding to be seated. He’d try to smoke incessantly at the table, order ridiculous off-menu items (like pancakes at a fine-dining Italian restaurant), and throw a fit when told no.

And to top it off? He always stiffed the staff.

He’s actually still quietly blacklisted from a bunch of spots in NYC.


Image source: peek_a_boo_boo_boo22The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Hands down, Jimmy Buffett.

He showed up for a sound check so drunk he could barely stand. When he saw me on stage, he started yelling about a woman working on the crew—back then, female sound engineers were pretty rare.

His team tried to smooth things over, but I wasn’t having it. I walked out. They even had to pay extra to keep the rest of our crew.

Turns out, Jimmy had a reputation for being mean on the road—though I’ve heard he mellowed out in later years.


Image source: dnl_blnsvOcoudis

Simone Biles: I met her during the Olympic Games, and I also heard from other athletes that she’s a completely different person in front of the camera than she is behind the scenes.


Image source: sitstayplaymichiganParamount Pictures

Robert Redford – He filmed several movies in my hometown, and my 86-year-old grandmother, who absolutely adored him, wanted to go watch some of the action.

As we were walking across the parking lot, she gently placed her hand on a car to steady herself while stepping down a curb. Suddenly, Redford came running out of a building and started screaming at her for touching his car.

For the record, his car was parked in a fire zone, and the roped-off spectator area forced people to walk right there.

She apologized. He kept yelling.


Image source: leslieannefranklinJimmy Kimmel Live

Gwen Stefani… Gave me a death stare when I offered her hors d’oeuvres at an event in LA.

She freaked me out. Her eyes literally turned black during the stare.

Blake was there. She’s territorial.


Image source: flockofsebellsSony Pictures Home Entertainmen

Mindy Cohn from Facts of Life—she’s been the punchline of a running joke in our friend group for years.

When my wife, our friends, and I met her as teens, she shoved my 7-year-old sister into a door jamb and yelled, “Get out of my way!”

That’s always our favorite part of the story. It would make me so happy if she somehow found out.


Image source: angelavieraSony Pictures Releasing

Cameron Diaz – I was an extra in the movie Sex Tape (originally called Basic Math) with her and Jason Segel…

The whole time she was on set, she was glued to her phone, straight-up ignoring everyone who tried to talk to her.

Meanwhile, Jason was super friendly, chatting and interacting with people. But Cameron? She just propped her feet up on the chair in front of her and kept scrolling, acting like a total princess.

Like, girl, stop—you’re not even that good.


Image source: texasmandoParamount Pictures

William Shatner.

I watched him refuse to give an autograph to an 8-year-old boy—the kid was in tears.

Shatner just said, “I don’t do those anymore.”

Total ahole.


Image source: iamrobertholik

Bryan Greenberg thinks he’s Al Pacino or something—which is hilarious, because even Al Pacino doesn’t act like that.

I politely asked him for a photo (it was just the two of us, no crowd or pressure), and he condescendingly said, “I don’t do that,” like he was royalty.

Tells you everything you need to know about why he went from starring in One Tree Hill, Prime (with Uma Thurman and Meryl Streep), Bride Wars, and October Road to completely fading away.

Dude is his own worst enemy.


Image source: kathrynspriggInternational Monetary Fund Photograph/Stephen Jaffe

Bob Geldof.

He called me a c*nt.

Apparently, this was his *


Image source: madelinewalkerJimmy Kimmel Live

Emma Roberts and her sister—expected to be treated like ✨royalty✨ at the store I worked at.

They also seemed annoyed that I didn’t care who they were.



Image source: kathy.woodyParamount Pictures

Alec Baldwin.

About 30 years ago, when he was just starting out—I think he had just finished The Hunt for Red October—I was working out at the Mirage Hotel gym.

He walked in, and it was just me and him in there. I recognized him but completely ignored him.

Apparently, that wasn’t good enough. He walked over to an attendant and asked her to tell me to leave.

I said, “No way, I’m a guest here. I have every right to stay.”

So, for the rest of his workout, he just glared at me the entire time.



Image source: huwsamuelPiers Morgan Uncensored


I was hired to make social content for BBC’s The Voice, and the dude wouldn’t even look me in the eye or work with me. Instead, he had a meltdown in front of his team because he wanted to make videos with “a hot girl.” 🫠

In the end, he just turned to my camera, mumbled “That’s Huw Samuel, you’re watching The Voice” and walked off.

Meanwhile, Sir Tom Jones? He shook my hand, danced with me, and was totally up for having fun. Absolute legend.


Image source: midnightblueelephantThis Morning

Paris Hilton.

I was working as a stylist assistant on a shoot with her.

I held out my hand so she could hand me the garment she was wearing…

She literally dropped it on the floor right next to my outstretched hand.


Image source: iamrobertholikAmazon Studios

Jim Jarmusch & Adam Driver.

Two of the nastiest people I’ve ever met—and this was at the premiere of Paterson.

I told Jarmusch I was a huge fan and that his films inspired me to become an actor. Instead of even pretending to be gracious, he acted like he was a god and belittled me.

Adam Driver? Just as bad. People always excuse his behavior as “anxiety”, but that ain’t it. I was one-on-one with him, and he was just a straight-up a*s.

Fame has completely gone to his head—he acts like he’s too good for everyone.


Image source: radicalreikiNetflix

Mila Kunis.

I gave her a facial once, and she was a total B from the moment I called her name.

I acted like I had no idea who she was and didn’t go out of my way to make her feel special—I just matched her energy.

This was before Black Swan even came out.

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