20 Red Flags That Reveal a Toxic Parenting Style

Parenting is challenging, and when overwhelmed or frustrated, some parents resort to inappropriate methods. Keeping children safe can feel like a constant struggle if they aren’t taught to value their own health and well-being. Likewise, other aspects of a child’s growth require patience and guidance to help them become responsible members of society. However, as a parent’s patience wears thin, their ability to parent effectively can decline.

When this happens in public, it can be embarrassing, often drawing judgmental looks from bystanders. While some reactions may be overly critical, others may stem from genuine concern about a parent’s ability to care for their child. Recently, Redditors discussed behaviors they believe signal poor parenting. Scroll below to see the most commonly mentioned signs.


Image source: knuckleyardshurkin_son

When a child is constantly entertained by a phone instead of engaging in real-world interactions.


Image source: itsbreexoxbearfotos

Publicly insulting their children, especially in front of them, which can harm their self-esteem and emotional well-being.


Projecting your own dreams onto your child, treating them as an extension of yourself rather than as their own person. Kids shouldn’t be used to relive past glory, fulfill unachieved ambitions, or serve as a means to make money. Every parent should hear this message right alongside the “don’t shake the baby” talk at the hospital.

Image source: coffeeblossom


Image source: anonfreepik

Relying on activist groups like One Million Moms to censor content instead of actively parenting and teaching your kids how to navigate the world themselves.


Image source: LadyRevontuletMikhail Nilov

Neglecting parental responsibilities to the point where an older child is raising their younger siblings full-time. This can become dangerously extreme like when a child suffers a serious injury, such as a broken leg, and goes unnoticed for weeks because the parent is too disengaged. Just because someone can have kids doesn’t mean they’ll be good at parenting or should have them.


Image source: Not_peer_reviewedfreepik

Bringing young children, especially babies, into extremely loud environments for extended periods. Whether it’s a concert, a club, or a venue with blaring music, kids under five often look uncomfortable and overwhelmed, clearly not wanting to be there.


Prioritizing their romantic relationships over their children’s well-being, often neglecting their needs or exposing them to unhealthy dynamics just to avoid being alone.

Image source: Chefsteph212


Image source: KatieeBirdd71freepik

Giving babies soda or juice in bottles instead of milk or water, setting them up for poor nutrition and early dental issues.


Smoking in a car with children inside, exposing them to secondhand smoke in a confined space.

Image source: YesNoWhatever


Using “How am I going to explain this to my children?” as an excuse to avoid discussing controversial or sensitive topics. Being honest about the world helps kids develop awareness and understanding, but many parents shift this responsibility onto othersresulting in teenagers who reach 16 without basic knowledge of things like safe sex.

Image source: anon


Image source: hellno-reddit-2025freepik

How a parent treats their child in public often hints at what happens behind closed doors. If they’re harsh, dismissive, or outright cruel in front of others, it’s likely even worse in private.


Exploiting their children for online content by filming their struggles, laughing at their misery, and posting it on YouTube for views instead of offering comfort and support.

Image source: Ambitious_Hold_5435


Image source: chocolatechipninjapeoplecreations

Ignoring their kids until other adults are forced to step in and correct their behavior, showing a lack of parental involvement and responsibility.


Image source: Advanced-Trainer508master1305

Entering their child into beauty pageants, prioritizing appearance and competition over a healthy, natural childhood.


Obese kids.


Chubby kids are fine, even fat kids. But a kid should not be literally obese at like 5 years old. You’re the adult, you’re in charge of their diet and routine. Their weight should not be getting out of hand.


Image source: Prestigious_Pack4680Yunus Tuğ

When a child is visibly afraid of their parent, it’s a clear sign of an unhealthy and possibly abusive dynamic. A parent should be a source of love and security, not fear.


Image source: ThreeBsAndMeEyeEm

Exploiting their children by making them the focus of a YouTube channel and relying on it as their primary source of income, often sacrificing the child’s privacy, well-being, and autonomy for views and profit.


Image source: SuperApplication3086freepik

Calling time spent with their own children “babysitting.” Parenting is a responsibility, not a side gig.


Image source: Brian_The_Bar-BrianMikhail Nilov

If their kids are bullies, it’s often a reflection of poor parenting, lack of guidance, or a toxic home environment. Children learn behavior from their parents.


More info: Dawg_Prime Getty Images

Using extreme, unnecessary threats to control their children, like taking away Christmas presents six months in advance for minor misbehavior. If that’s the first reaction, it makes you wonder what else has already been taken away.

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