See How Many of These 25 Superstitions You’ve Been Following Without Knowing
When we can’t explain something, we create our own stories! That’s what superstitions are all about—ideas shaped by popular culture, passed down through word of mouth, and fueled by imagination. Now, it’s time to see if you swear by these beliefs or live in a completely different world.
Whether you’re a firm believer in every superstition or just intrigued by the odd and quirky, be honest with yourself and check how many of these you’ve actually been following all along! Let’s dive in! 🐈⬛🙀
#1 “It’s Bad Luck to See the Wedding Dress Before the Big Day”

#2 “Beginner’s Luck is Real”

#3 “Never Open an Umbrella Indoors”

#4 “Friday the 13th is a Day of Bad Luck”

#5 “Passing Under a Ladder Brings Bad Luck”

#6 “666 is the Devil’s Mark”

#7 “Breaking a Mirror Brings Seven Years of Bad Luck”

#8 “Crossing Your Fingers Stops Bad Things From Happening”

#9 “A Four-Leaf Clover Brings Good Luck”

#10 “Find a Coin, Pick It Up, and Good Luck Will Follow”

#11 “Saying ‘Bless You’ Protects From Evil Spirits After Sneezing”

#12 “Spilling Salt is Bad Luck, Unless You Throw Some Over Your Left Shoulder”

#13 “Blowing Out All the Birthday Candles at Once Grants Good Luck”

#14 “A Bird Pooping on You is a Sign of Good Luck”

#15 “If Someone Sweeps Over Your Feet, You’ll Never Get Married”

#16 “Gifting a Knife Will Cut the Relationship, Unless You Give a Coin in Return”

#17 “To Toast With Water Invites Misfortune”

#18 “Finding a Spider in Your House Brings Good Fortune”

#19 “To Prevent Bad Luck, Knock on Wood Three Times After Mentioning It”

#20 “A Shooting Star Can Grant Your Wish”

#21 “Bad News Always Comes in Threes

#22 “A Black Cat Crossing Your Path Brings Bad Luck”

#23 “The Evil Eye Shields You From Envy and Negative Stares”

#24 “If You Forget Something at Home and Return, Smile at Yourself in the Mirror to Avoid Bad Luck”

#25 “Don’t Sit at the Corner of the Table if You Want to Get Married Within 7 Years”